A Strange Exchange with Seth & Lo

Seth & Lo

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s1e15.5 - We're Tired [A Video Minisode]


After an exhausting few weeks, we need just one more to get all our thoughts together about it. In the meantime, let's remember the good things that are happening too!

<p>After an exhausting few weeks, we need just one more to get all our thoughts together about it. In the meantime, let's remember the good things that are happening too!</p> <p>Join us every Monday for a new exchange, stranger than most.</p> <p>Find us on Twitter:<br />@SethAndLoPod</p> <p>Follow our studio for more:<br />@MusiciansLoftStudios (IG)<br />@MusiciansLoft (Twitter)<br />musiclofts.com/ASE</p> <p>Art by:<br />@boodrawsbones (IG/Twitter)<br />www.boodrawsbones.com/</p> <p>Seth:<br />@Seth7123 (Most Platforms)</p> <p>Lo:<br />@Littlefootlo(Most Platforms)</p>

Filetype: MP4 - Size: 47.11 MB - Duration: 14:54m

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